@cookiemae are you ready for the finals? I feel no dude to get top 3 and the 200 GB if they put me to compete in a group of 80-100 players. Now if I have to compete against the entire “team” Misty to get the 200 GB…I’ll sit it out and root for my friends from here to get the prize.
Definitely need boosters to pass most levels. The boosters that you get with the win streak and maybe another one that becomes available (sometimes) by watching an ad before you start playing the level. I like to add a color bomb booster to all of the skull levels…gives me a chance to get CB + CB to start the level which…
The rewards for completing the Halftime Collection are nice. We can easily pick up a UFO there and another from the weekly event (forgot the name) which releases on Tuesday.
Thanks but everyone should be aware of this. It’s basically the only way to win gold bars. My current champions race streak is either 147 or 148 consecutive races won.