Finished the 3000 levels Was disappointed with the reward. All my hard work and boosters and some gold bars. I got potions (which I have lots already) 1 booster and free play. 😌. But thanks for the badge. It’s great
i uninstalled and reinstalled game but still no update I logged out and in again as well. Nothing. I installed on another device and logged in. Not update. Maybe there aren’t anymore special events for BubbleWitch2 anymore
I didn't realize until reading community posts that we had to complete level to get credit for task. I don't like that part as I can barely get through my levels as it is. I also have no help from teammates I'm sure they are having same issues as me.
Hi. Currently I’ve been stuck on level 2120. My id # is 1009752278 (not sure if it’s required) Hope everyone in community hasn’t gone stir crazy yet from isolation 😃