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Level 3


  • how is playing the same level a million times keeping things ''fresh and interesting''..we are bored and frustrated..according to the many many posts relating to this topic. There's your test results.. good job, no one is spending any more money on gold bars and we are all considering uninstalling.
  • Why did you stop aging extra moves at the end when you've played a level a million times? Ruined the game because up in the higher levels that is the only way to pass. Lost money on purchases of gold bars.. no sense in paying for them now.
  • Wow was coming in to complain that this is impossible unless you clear cake on 1st move. After reading comments it looks like it still not possible if the key doesn't drop until someone used 12 of 35 extra... that so unfair. You should be able to beat without specials.
    in Level 12049 Comment by darj July 2022
  • There aren't even enough moves to get the board opened enough to make this level somewhat entertaining. So now we're stuck on a boring level to play over and over... they've pretty much ruined this game after level 10,000. I'm only playing because I haven't found anything else I like.. once I do, I'm done.
    in 11869 Comment by darj June 2022
  • This is the 4th nightmare level in this episode. This is ridiculous. Your stuck for days on 1 level you finally get thru and the next level you win on 1st try then your stuck for days again. This game is getting boring and I'm tired of spending money on gold bars because that's the only way to pass these nightmare levels.
    in 11869 Comment by darj June 2022
  • I mean let's face it..I actually paid for 35 moves and you really only gave me 2 of those are not giving me what I paid for... find a way for us to bank those moves...
  • Here's a suggestion for King.. for those of us who do spend the money for those extra moves how about you find a way for us to bank them. I use 10 good bars for 35 extra moves of which I only needed 2! How about you let me bank the other 33 for another time! That would make things a bit more fair!
  • I agree with all these comments.. unless you are one of the first to play these higher levels when they immediately come out (before they deduct moves and add more blockers) these are impossible to pass without extra moves. It is ridiculous that you constantly have to buy gold bars to move on and it is very unfair. Either…
  • The game is getting very boring when you're stuck on these nightmare levels for days and days then you zip thru 2 or 3 levels on 1st try and back to waiting days again..I would rather not win on 1st try and play a couple different levels a day.. there is no fun in it the way it is set up now in the higher levels.
  • They added 2 moves and is now marked nightmare hard... was that the fix?? Great coz that really helps

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