Nah I'm a comon londoner lol. Yeh it's saved my level.. 3509 but lost my 3000 picture. Although I've got Facebook didn't use it to go on candy crush. So then I got curious about king counity and signed up with my email and made this profile.i got the hump because .my games kept freezing and my profile kept getting logged…
Hi I'm from London logged into facebook and able to go to profile. But have lost all my gold bars and the 3000 picture. No sweet cinema and lost all my freinds who gave me lifes. Messed up lol
Doondie can you help me after having issues that have now been resolved I'm now connected to Facebook to play the game. And i am able to use my profile log in. How do I come back in to comunity with my email and keep this profile. Can you advise please
Hi no I'm on a mobile. Not computer was having issues with the game and being logged out. Got fed up. And wanted account deleted couldn't access settings preferences but the issue has been sorted out now 👍
After years of playing candy crush.. i decided to finally join the King comunity classed as a newbie which I am to the comunity discussions but not the game. Problem has only occurred sine I joined 🤔
Hi never had a problem with sweet cinema before. All day yesterday and this morning nothing. Have Been playing càndy crush for a few years and never experienced this in all that time I've played.