1 To see what's new, if anyone needs lives and to collect boosters 2. It is a treat but it is not the most important thing 3. I probably pay equal attention to them 4. Well, if you fail a level you need to rethink the strategy I guess. But it would be interesting to know on what you base the difficulty of a level. There…
I was going to write something similar but you already expressed it better. The hints are terribly annoying but if you want them, you can leave the option on, like in other Candy games.
Please just remove Candy Royale all together. Nobody wants it, it is just annoying. And, as others in the thread previously stated, in the last update the opt-out-x disappeared. Why would you force upon us a feature nobody is interested in? This is weird tbh.
I'm at least as annoyed as anyone. This is the most irritating, unnecessary thing in Candy crush ever. It's perfectly bizarre that they keep on promoting it. Everybody hates it. Please remove it entirely.