Bring back old maps
Hello. I think that I am not the only one here who misses old maps. They used to be more creative and different. Instead, now we have season maps, which can get boring. So, here is my idea. Instead of just returning old maps, you should return them and adapt them to the season, like you did in CCS during the UFO season.…
Game boosters
I think it would also be cool if you could add more lolly pops in the game and more candies and different paths too
Move Activity pop-ups
The pop=up is displayed untop of the game area blocking the players view of the game board. My suggestion: display pop=ups in a location that does not block the players view of the game board
Batula badges
I think is a great idea to create more badges here . I have got so much , the game is reopened. So give us a chance to receive more ? 🦇 My entry are so many . What do others think? Ohh, and reward for daily login and how many levels should be a big big award. My streak on a lot of games should be better at come up with new…
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Levels 1000, 2000, 3000... Up to 14000 and those to come soon should be longer.
I recently reached the 14000 level and I have realized that they are very short. For example, this level only has 2 screens and is completed quickly. I think they should be longer and better levels because they are important and difficult milestones to reach and you have to enjoy them. I hope to see the 15000 level when…
Soul Rejuvenation
If You are stressed or worried. Head onto Your Candy Crush Saga Game. I start playing either I emerge all into game. Or I’m able to work out issues as I play. Thank You King. Its like game therapy. 😁💜🦋🙏🏾
Cosmetic Clean up
Hello: Playing on desktop windows 11 Team Ranking Subscreen - remove 'coming soon' icon Activities Subscreen - reposition and reduce the size of the icons to eliiminate the need to srcoll to reach the desired icon. 3. Shop Icon and Gold Bar Icon - both icons take you to the same subscreen. Either remove one of the icons or…
Nova habilidade para jogar em equipe.
Tragam os antigos personagens Percy Blockerton III; Chilly Tusks; Bubblegum Troll; Honey Dragon; Ms. Sindy Squidle. Para que possamos desafiá-los em equipe. Nesse sentido, poderia criar novas fases exclusivas para os desafios. E, uma grande garrafa de soda será enchido, conforme as fases forem sendo concluídas pela equipe.…
Have more free
Games with more little helps more ways to get life