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My profile got stuck / I have to scroll to get back to my current level

Xarly Posts: 2,509 Community Manager
edited November 2018 in Support

Hi everyone!

This is a sticky situation that can happen sometimes, but not to worry as there is an easy fix to this :smile:.

Here is an example:

Say your current level is 875, did you notice there is no Avatar/Profile picture on the level?

This is because your Avatar/Profile picture is stuck on a lower level so we need to look for it. This means you will have to scroll through the game app to find it.


When you find your Avatar/Profile picture, you will notice there are no stars on that level, which means you need to pass the level again.

Once done, let the game move your picture/avatar on to the next level. You might have to close the game app and restart it so that the app opens on your current level.

Keep in mind that you will not receive the rewards from the gift box (in case you have this feature) until you are back on track as the game thinks these have already been completed.

If this wasn't clear or you have any questions around this, feel free to ask right below!





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