Need a Helping Hand? 💭
Got a game question or need help? This is the place to ask!
Help us make Soda even better by telling us your thoughts and experience with Lives. To make sure we understand the needs and wants of you, our players, we'd like to ask you a few questions about the Lives.
Thank you for helping us make Soda even better! 🤗
Tagging active Candy Crush Soda Players into spoiler :
@040890 @1235Hardy @1509hk1547 @1Aj @274T3E @2easy @42320 @aalitay @AaronH @AaronMedina @abcdefg123456 @actipton80 @Adav @aguslicka @aijaziqbal @Aitch @AlainaHS @albski @ale_f @Alexandra_Tang @ALIXKATERINE @AllisonTravis @amber_dawn @Amoonmoon @Anahita_2005 @Andres-2 @Anniemcmanus @AnnoyanceDeZtruction @Annwat @Anny23 @Applejacs @arjankrijger2005 @ashleyr195 @Athalie @aurther @Autofire @Bantino @Barry_Dean_Clark @batman27 @BaxiB @Beachgirl63 @beanrags @bearwithme @bekicrusher @bernie9090 @bernirc77 @berriers @betchiegrl29 @Beth_Mc_Hugh @bex12 @bflyrose1107 @biekeella @billjerry @bkychau @Bling182 @BlueberryCupcake @BooDTX @Bookster @BossQueenLiss80 @Boybinary @BQN537 @Bricorn @brownsugar2115 @bsabrina69 @BubbleGumSoda @Bucinka @bugs_burny @BulldogBob @buttbaby920 @c_j_w68 @caambuj @Cagnes @candycrushinit @carmen59 @Carol_Kero @Casey965 @CassD @Cats4Caz @Cece322 @CerbeRus777 @Chakra @Channi34 @CharmedCat @charlottelovegood @chillerben @chirag0406 @ChrisMiller @Chrismp @christina48198 @Claire_Colibri @clarey @Courtney1990 @crabapple @Crazy_cat_lady_1 @Crazyforfun @crisaniya @criscount @crushingsweets @cstapleton1230 @cwsherwood @daniella82 @DaniTheOG @dannyalvaro @davidm61 @Dawnvanblommestein @daysgoby @ddow @deb0407 @deblg @deedles916 @deepakstha @DeepshikhaSharan @Deobella @DGenevieve @Di65 @DieOmimi @Ditte @dmorrison112 @DocCha @DoggieMason @DomJuam @Doppo @DoYourLaundry @dugglebb @DukeSR8 @dwiananda @dxxchocolate @dylan19 @Ecam @Eckmonmor @ejhawke @ejurjane @Elaine67 @eldutton @ElenaVorona @ElisedeJong @Elleni39 @ElsaSuubi23541678910 @EnergizerBunny @enochlarry123 @EOTheGr8 @EppPHX @Erika0811 @Ernie545 @fabke @ffs @Filly_McBean @FOBET @fulizard @gasrenus @GayAdHd @gemazing @Geogat12 @george456 @Gingersnappyg @giorgos_mos @giotaki @Glenn1972 @GlenysB @Goldenswordz @gr33n3y3z @GrammaGaming @greddycandy @Greymane @GuffGirl @Gylia @Hana_adamczak @happy1205 @happyleetom @Havish @heatherK1970 @hechicerilla @Hell66 @Hend1125 @Heshan_G @Hinoni @Honey_5708 @hopebbk @Iffu2 @llopez6715 @istuff @itsbumby @JacalynCosta @jacinthe84 @JaclynAmes @james7777 @Jared_Buttry @jayteedy @Jelly_bean_hearts @jellyjean @jenniferhagenbuch48 @jennifritz @jersab @jess2901 @JessiBoop_87 @jlynnb23 @jodihunter05 @joelcarlsmith23 @Johnny5salive @jojo75 @JordanX10 @joshua2c @js7902 @jverley420 @JuliannaMika @katarzsic @Kayleekay @KCullen127 @Kelutwo @kerbear409 @Kerrie @Kezabelle3 @kiara_wael @Kiki_g @kikiray23 @KILLEY2 @Kim_Steel @Kjlyman1 @kris1982 @KristieJ @KTMac @kujo54 @kukajb @lacyleroy @lakiere @La Ley @LauGar @laydeebae @LeahK @LeFlarcane @Lemurtek @leshia @Lexi @lexlishious @LiL_Pixie @lindark @lindasin @lisab83 @Lizly62 @lolaprincess @Lolley1982 @LoloBash51 @lorilm1972 @lotsakids @LuciLu8 @Lucy71 @Ludo517 @lunilla @LynnAnderson @maalik @Magic_Mixer @malikaleena @malloryp @Mamajoe420 @MandyP123 @marebear1264 @Mary8Moeeeee @MaryLuyo2020 @mattmahar8 @max12 @maxinegio @mcbrown @MCCB8885 @me6412 @megumspuds @MelissaMMDP @Mercedes_Diaz @Mery35 @Michael_Dyess @MiladyR @Milinka @MillaOfficial14 @mimi325 @mini8 @miss_monnie @MissHighflower @misspink78 @MissyLuvsB2020 @Mjo1986 @Moh1977 @MollyS @Mommabear1269 @mommakk10 @MommaMary5 @monicasimoes2010 @Mookie2 @MountainMom @MrKizart @Mr_Peely @msg4869 @msgraca @mzphitz @na0218dajks @Nadia1770 @NahlaElhady @namal_butt_01 @Nanakyejames @nanalewis92 @Nancyvaughn1987 @nannewbct @nattychick1973 @natzbiz @ncoll19 @Neena_s @Nenikapaki @nessaann @nettieg @nguyenanhduy1591999 @nickwilliams @niecy76570 @Nikolaos_Prodromidis @Nix66 @njimenezhansen31 @Nubiaoliver @NuggyBoo @NurseKrista26 @OOOlena @Origins7_Dale @paco1234 @Palash_Sarma @pat1man @PattyMan @PatWay @paul5473 @Pcj @pdt1982 @peach1997r @pearlyc1p @peggyvereen @penken @pepe_le_pew @Peti321 @PGS210 @pillow6 @Pitty_Kitty @pjc73 @playgowomen18 @Poutsy @pratimadangol @Precious0914 @prezy22 @Priesha @purple0822 @PurpleQuee @QueebBee1970 @Queen_Elsa @queenbee9214 @Rab123 @Racoon7 @Raerobbie @rajdeeptb @ranathunga @RayB3109 @RayvenL_ @rebelchild @renamifsud2 @rienepien @Rifka_Belkin @Riri2 @Roary2020 @RobinCorte @roscoe15 @rosemariepahayo1 @rustylittles @S_u_n_s_h_i_n_e @S42S @Sab97150sxm @SabrinaM @Sadie1318 @SagaR @sandritis2 @SanthaSá @santo_chris97 @Saori @sarahmd @saralynd1986 @SaraVitaMoore @Sayo04 @SBH @Schatzbeatle @SEEILikeIT @SerenaCleveland @sgevony @shafer223 @shall2 @shannontulloh @ShaqKnox @Sharon_Loose @shelleyscnnei @Sherri_Bouknight @shuping17 @SidLock @simplyP @sipc @siti_payung @Sk1tZo_JuGGaLo @Skthmom4 @smidgesgirl @Soda_bottelet @Sofia1992 @Spieler_8675309 @Spinnifix @sredjent @Staceybich @Staceylou88 @starlighters101 @stickmandan @Sukanta_Biswas @SunnieB71 @supermomster2018 @Susie_Q1970 @SUZANCE @suzekit @swabby @Tamesa48 @tamike000 @TanjaBoni @tashanight3 @Tasty_Cake @teresawallace44 @Terri_1 @tezradog @TheresaGrafton @Timhung @tininha1975 @Tleaf70 @tommie1986 @TomOlsonJr @tootsie86 @Toussaint73 @Tranic @Trishy68 @TWalsh @Twi @Tzvi_Marcu @ultrad @unstoppablerad @upperlevel @Verna_Ellenson @VickMtz @Victoria24 @vstexas @VTyanky_69 @Vunke1987 @Warriorcatslover @Wen19 @Werner_Cichy @Whodeet1 @wwiii @wykoon @xray_sheri @Yaz_Milani @yogachik @Yorben_Goeree @Yorkiemom143 @Yosca
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Here are my responses @FluffyDinosaur.
Do you know how to send Lives to friends? Please tell us how you do it!
Yes, when I open the game I get a box that pops up to send lives to my friends. I click on the “Send” button after I make sure that it has selected all friends.
Where can you send Lives?
To all my friends where we exchanged email addresses.
Do you feel that you understand how to send Lives and how to use them?
Yes, no problem.
Do you send Lives? If so, when do you do it?
Yes I do it every time I open the game and get the box to send lives to my friends.
If you have the feature Suggested Friends - has that feature allowed you to get more free Lives?
I’m not sure if what you are asking is the social icon on the top right of the game. I never need to get more free lives because I play on Windows 11 (PC), my iPhone and 2 iPads. If I run out of lives after 5 tries then I just go to the next device. By the time I’ve used up the 20 lives from all of them if I still can’t clear a level I give up!
Hi @Queen_Elsa You can find suggested friends in Social Hub 😉
Click on “Add more friends”
You can find “suggested friends”
That's what I thought that it was in that area. However, since I play on so many devices I don't go crazy adding friends.
About lives yes i do send lives to friend. wen thy need thm thn i send it.
Welcome to the Community @deep555 I see you copied and pasted queen_elsa her comment 🫢. So if you have the same opinion, please answer the last question by yourself: If you have the feature Suggested Friends - has that feature allowed you to get more free Lives?
Hope you will answer the last question, because we really want your feedback 🙃
I always send lives everytime I first get on then again when I ask for lives.
Hi @Diamond_Lim hope your day went well ~~~
Oh I forgot , now when I ask for lives it has a option to add more friends like CCS. So glad because only one person on my friends list was sending me a life this made game play very short. Hopefully now with added friends I can gain some players who give lives.
I had expressed my very positive experience on the new friend add system which I thought was very useful for getting infinite lives without problems because having friends for the game did not mean having an involvement or invasion of privacy as in fact there is only a continuous flow of friends. interchange of lives ... Having said that, now I answer your questions
Do you know how to send lives to friends? Please tell us how you do it!
- it's very simple ... Every time you finish them the system invites you to ask your friends ... And immediately after ... It suggests you Send lives to friends ... You just have to click on the request ... Every time you have 5 more lives
Where can you send lives?
- You can send lives both from the friends list by clicking on everyone's logo and a heart will appear, but also on any player logo
Do you feel you understand how to send lives and how to use them?
- it's very simple ... If by clicking on the player's logo the heart appears you can send it differently it means that you still have to wait ... Because you can send one life per minute to the same player
Do you send lives?
- Yes, always
If so, when do you do it?
- every time I play
If you have the Suggested Friends feature, did this feature allow you to get more lives for free?
- yes I have the suggested friends function and I always add new ones and obviously I never break without lives
2 brilliant ways to get life's on candy crush soda
Thanks for the tag @Diamond_Lim
Do you know how to send lives to friends? Tell us how you do it!
When I open the game, I touch the heart of lives, the box and the team icon appear in the chat.
Where can you send lives?
To my friends from the game and the team.
Do you feel like you understand how to send lives and how to use them?
No problem.
Do you send lives? If so, when are you doing it?
Yes, when I open the game the equipment icon to send lives.
If you have the Suggested Friends feature, has this feature helped you get more free lives?
I didn't know the last one I'm going to try it.