My favorite would have to be the entire Borne collection...
@Bryat go here and collect your milestone badges. you can get one for each 1000 levels. But you have to click on each one individually then post a screenshot of your current map. It will get you five sweet badges.
not to worry, it will still be 20 when you reach 9000+ as well... I feel you pain as well.
Hello, My biggest problem with the new map is that it will not allow me to rotate my phone to Landscape to play the game. I record my games to place on YouTube (in the very near future). I was almost ready to go live then the screen change. Now I am going back to recreate my layout for YouTube. This has caused a ton ofโฆ
Ooops. There is a typo. I did not mean to say Joey. That was supposed to say However, sorry about that
I am not in that position as I am only in the 9000s. Joey, I was thinking is it possible to go back and complete previous levels. Just asking because I have not had to try that yet. best of luck
Here is my total
Here is my level
Here is my level
Here is my level