How do I get these gold bars in this "contest"?
I'd like the Chocolate Egg please 😊
This is what I just replied with when I received the "Need help?" Auto-reply... Bet I don't get a reply! 😡 Omg, STOP with these auto-replies! The world is basically Quarantined and you've screwed us all!!! Do you really honestly care how many players you lose?!!! Apparently NOT!!! It is NOT about the almighty dollar! I am…
And yet ANOTHER LIE!!! I've never seen this as an option! In-game boosters These boosters can be activated at any time during a level. Simply tap the button to activate. Extra Moves x 5: Only a few turns away from the sweet taste of victory? Use this to get five extra moves. Gimme five!
Here is another LIE on King's Help page!!! Candy Crush Saga has even more sweet surprises in store… Daily rewards You’ll get a gift every day, just by logging in! Do this on consecutive days for bigger and better rewards!
THIS is still on King's Help page!!! What a HUGE lie!!! In addition to this, at the end of any unsuccessful level attempt, you'll also be given the chance to spin for extra moves. Weigh-up your chances and try the level again, spin for some extra moves or play it safe and buy extra moves using in-game Gold Bars. The choice…
This is just ridiculous! As I read everyone else's comments, I see that they're just as frustrated as I am! If King isn't careful, they're going to lose all of their players! I know that I'm about ready to leave myself!
Hello, You said that the possibility to win extra boosters and rewards would NOT be removed. I downloaded the most recent update and have not seen ANY other ways to win boosters OTHER than the Daily Spin!!! Where are the ways to win them??? They're gone! I don't even have the opportunities to watch ads to get extra…
Well I'd like to say that the women that inspire me the most are my mother, and both of my grandmother's! They're all so very strong! I love you three magnificent ladies 💖
Yes ginadean07, I am in the same boat! I'm stuck on level 1677 and since downloading the latest update, I have no opportunities to earn free boosters or rewards anymore! It seems they have removed them all other than the Daily Spin. Very frustrating!!! 😠