as in mods deleting my rant.
ive been a non stop fan since 2015. i know all the S about this game so dont question me when i say that even if the new stiuff was "storyline", this game dosent deserve a saga title, so does soda and jelly. All thanks to the `Activision Dynasty. And plus, they are just milking the game. and if you are planning to delete…
also candy crus Saga, not the original game.
B resemblles candy crush the best.
Dear Since 2014, i have enjoyed playing games, seeing the storyline and more! but now, You guys have ruined this game (and others too!) Consider this a break up letter, and a really angry one too. You would continuously ruin levels, even removing the best lveel types making even candy town levels in some…
Since 2013!
theres 2
good luck there is a lucky time for completing levels and i think it's 6 PM?
thee is a video on the king youtube channel but i dont know the link