We will see what we can do about getting you in aswell. I will let you know as soon as I find out from our leader.
We would love to have you, I just have to contact our leader to make room for you. We have 2 random accounts that aren't contributing. So as soon as we free up space we will let you know.
3rd is good, hopefully you guys can stay there. We are currently first right now in our leaderboard. We have around 150k and the 2nd team has like 120k.
How is the second team doing so far this season?
I'm happy you managed to find a number 1 team. We finished 3rd but were actually in danger of finishing 4th because of another cheating team who had 1 player get 4 million in 1 night. But they removed him earlier this morning so we at least climbed back to 3.
Congrats guys on a good season. I'm happy you guys were able to get both skins and finish in the top 10.
Yeah unfortunately they did join that team, I am not upset with them at all. But I hope they were able to find another team now. Because they will no longer get any of the top rewards or both skins if they don't join a new team before the season ends in less then a hour.
Yeah, I was surprised to see they took action this fast. At least we will get top 3 and the other team is back in the top 10. I'm happy they actually did this before the season ended.
We have been pushed down from 2 to 4 because of obvious cheating. But on the official discord they said the team that is currently number 1 was reported last season for cheating aswell but nothing happened. We were discussing that earlier about the number 10 team though. They are losing out on 2 skins because of these…
Some of us have reported them and other people have aswell on the official discord for the game. But with like a little over 13hrs left for the season. It seems unlikely any action will be taken and we will have to settle for 4th.