I want to wish all you guys well on the 2nd team, I know that you guys can keep 4th, hopefully you will also get plenty more competitive players to help out. Even though I'm not on the team anymore I will be paying close attention to your progress throughout the season. Hope everything goes well.
Good job, and thanks for your contributions to our team.
I see the T.N.T Dragons are really close, but I believe that you guys can get number 1 again. I will be cheering you guys on to repeat at number 1.
It's alright, when Bear It first came back I wasn't doing as good as I did with Turtle Woods. But slowly I started to become familiar with everything and now I am good at that map. You just need to play it more and you will get use to it aswell. Forget Dino Might though, that map still has some glitches and it is very hard…
Thanks, I am trying my best to at least keep us in 4th. But as long as everyone is having a good time is the most important thing.
I got 967 trophies my last run plus 50. And now I got 1,000 trophies plus 50.
Hey guys, I know we may be 4th but we aren't playing bad. Hopefully we can at least get to number 3 but if we don't that is completely fine. Remember, we only had a little over 200k last season and are facing teams that had over a million including our fellow community team. Keep up the good work everyone 👏.
I can't believe Both GetHanked and Joey-.YouTube already have 55k trophies haha. Our team doesn't even have a small amount of trophies but are 4th. This is a extremely competitive leaderboard.
@Adrenaline Yes our team is currently at full capacity.