Although I don’t like many changes you’ve instituted, I still love the game. Kimmy’s Arcade is fantastic! By far best new feature. Good health to all, thanks.
Lollipop destroys the whole board. Would have been nice if y’all woulda explained how to acquire pieces. Figured out on my own they are temporary. Have a full one on another device for 3x days now. Sure hope it doesn’t expire!
Sassy Dach! My kitty’s name is Sassy too!
Bubble Gum is fun!
I couldn’t “vote” but wholeheartedly agree with the idea of being able to control fish landings. It almost feels like I’ve been cheated when they go to entirely useless areas.
I agree with most others re pop ups. Most are ok, but Golden Ticket is irritating.
Here is my screenshot hopefully. Level3246. Am I supposed to flag this post, or is there another way to alert you to this new post?
If I could change about the games, I would bring back quests for accumulating and saving boosters. another thing would be for Kimmies Arcade to actually load, it refuses to. Tried closing out app. Al open apps. And turning off WiFi then turning off iPhone Xanax. Wait 60 seconds and bootin buck up. To no avail.