Signing in! (even though my trophies are not showing yet). 😅
Think one has to be level 3 on the forums to create links. Write it out instead like "link name dot com" or similar. 😊
Sorry, was not online for a while but I saw that you found the team anyway. Welcome 😀
Bumping my thread if anyone still is in search for some free skins/purple crystals. We are at nr#1 and will win this season with ease so if you still need a team to get those rewards, look no further.
Here are the current standings with 4 days left, no way any of the other teams will get past us.
You can always join my team "Bajenland". We are nr1 at the moment in our league and we will win this season for sure if you want to get those skins and the 200 crystals. Lot's of open spots still so feel free if you want the rewards 😀
@Cronox I must have done something wrong when creating my advertisement, got like 20 views lol 😂
This thread really have an aweful lot of views! Lmao 😅😁