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  • @DieOmimi Sorry you will be closing this DDS badge option as I just became aware of it and it was nice to get some recognition of how well my team performed during the last session of DDS. Oh well, I guess our team will never get a chance to get the 25-deliveries badge now. Sigh. But it was nice of you to have put it up…
  • I just became of aware of these Dachs Delivery Service awards, and was wondering if I could quality for the “Delivery 20” version of this badge. I took the following two screenshots when the most recent DDS was ending last Monday, August 14, 2023 and I hope that they will suffice: (Thanks in advance if this is possible!)
  • As Uncle Bob team leader, I am currently staying at New Level 5587, which is a 3-screen 4-color level that works fairly well for producing fish, striped, and wrapped candies and color bombs, as well as creating the fish + fish, fish + stripe, fish + wrap, and stripe + wrap combinations required for our Dachs Deliver…
  • I also enjoyed the 2 hours of unlimited lives on Friday feature! That Friday bonus especially helps for very hard levels or for running up the Total Moves count for the “700 Moves” Team Task in Dachs Delivery Service.
  • If your DDS team has the “Earn 100 New Stars” team task, you can earn new stars by winning the level you are at and progressing to the next level, OR you can use the new portal to return to earlier CCFS levels and replay a 1-stat level to try to increase your rating to either a 2- or 3-star rating. I have replayed all my…
  • @ElenaVorona Thanks for the welcome and nice to be back! I am fine and have kept up pretty well in leading DDS team “Uncle Bob”, but kind of hunkered down during the pandemic and avoided social media. But I finally decided that I needed to reconnect with the CCFS folks as you all were quite nice and this game has nothing…
  • The Dachs Delivery Service tasks required for each DDS team changed some time in 2022. So as of May, 2023, the new breakdown of the Team Tasks are: (1) Team Tasks where you must WIN the New Level and progress to the next level The Team Tasks where you must SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETE the new level for it to count are the…
  • I would like to thank the King team for designing and implementing this portal feature that allows us to so easily visit previous levels and replay them either for fun or to get more stars.
  • January 9, 2022: With the new “add-on” icons to the 3 listed helpers (e.g., Tifi, Rachel, Yeti, Odus) that typically offer an additional wrapped candy, two extra fish, or an extra 2 moves, I have had the extra 2 moves version of both Tifi and Rachel completely lock up on me—no response at all from the screen. That does not…
  • @AkumaXX I have typically used lollipop hammers at the “end of normal moves” for a given level where I can be almost certain that a specific 1 or 2 lollipop hammers in exact positions will successfully complete the level. However, I have also tried using a hammer, usually the wrapped lollipop hammer, to open up a…

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