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Level 3


  • I sent an email to support. This is especially frustrating because this is a new account I had to create after my King account and my daughter’s King account merged. I was told King accounts not associated with Facebook couldn’t merge until I showed clear pictures that they had. Hopefully support can fix it. I will put my…
  • I’m not certain I want to create a brand new email address just to play a game. Is there no way to disassociate my daughter’s email so she could sign up for an account again? The crazy things is that now she has lost all her boosters that were saved in the Royal Championship and suddenly I no longer have access to the RC…
  • Do I need a new email address to create a new account? I would like to have two separate ones again.
  • Sounds good. Thanks for all your help so far.
  • Again, these email addresses had different IDs last week.
  • I cannot get the game ID for the email starting with Marie because it takes me to my account not hers. No matter what I do, I only get my account and game ID regardless of which email I use to log in. Before this week, that was not the case. It was two different King accounts, with different IDs, different names, different…
  • I don't hate you - and yes, same game ID for both. So weird.
  • So I went ahead and removed FB app just in case, cleared Safari cache data, and logged out. Shut my phone off for a minute and restarted, but no dice. Is there some other cache I am to clear? I took pictures so you could see. The first is the welcome screen I get when I log in with my email. You can see that the email…
  • @Freddy_Falkner I am going to try everything you suggested now. I really do appreciate the help - not sure that comes through my frustration. I'll post my results once I am done.
  • They are both King accounts. Neither email address is associated with a Facebook account, so the situation you are describing with FB overwriting the info doesn’t make sense. I have a different email address that I have a FB account under, but it is not connected to these emails. I can try to do what you are saying and let…

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