Hi I’m back as far as the bars 4 year before my game crashed at the final step up until that I won every game except the last I think I’m assuming it’s over do u have a list who made it?? Good for them I got my game back today almost 2 weeks without it and I was going crazy not being able to play lol. Thanks 😊
This is all I have to prove my level it never. Showed up is because it’s not the right screen shot???
I never claimed level 1 and 3. I didn’t no back then that there was this forum. Can I still get them??
I have level 4 and 5 to post. Am I in the right place ?? Or do I need to go to another page to show pics and receive my badges I also don’t have a badge for level 1 and 3. I never knew back then about this forum to claim them but I don’t have proof. Can I still get those ??? Thank u Am I in the right place to show my 3…
I’m not sure where to go I’m on level6000 I have proof of 4-5-6. But I never got 1-3 I got number 2 where can I post my screen shots for 4-5 and 6?? Anx can I still get number 1 and 3 even if I have no proof?? Can u quide me to the area to post my screen shots of the levels I do have proof of ?? Thanks
Thanks for feedback my internet st home is good I had my son reboot everything in house still nothing todays the 3 rd day I think I have to reinstall ugh!!! I just hope I don’t lose my bars I had over 800.
Thanks for helping
It’s been days even wen I tryed to log out it came up no connection try again later it’s showing up everywhere I go and no one seems to no how to fix it some tell me to reinstall it and others say don’t reinstall it because it wont fix the issue I have so many bars and boosters that I purchased the morning this started I…
Every game for winning gold bars I won everytime top leader now my game is frozen and I can’t play I put money in this If what ur saying is true that’s. It fair at all. How do I get notified. If u won anyway??
Because it was the BEST MATCH 3 ever out there I tryed so many but CCS is just the best the way they made it so comfortable because of the people and getting rewards I’m really good at it to. 😊