Hard lvl I had problem with them a long time with 2304 like five times
Lvl 2296,2298 was very hard for me and I tried I think 10 times but at least I did it and and 2301 I finished är the first time without any help
This lvl was really hard tried it 5 times and I completed it with help by golden hat and lightning bolt and right now I'm stuck on next lvl
Started with 5 extra bubbles and ended it with 5 extra in the end to clear 92, 93 but not 91 and finished al three at the first time
Tricky also this with 5 extra bubbles but I cleard them on the first try
Where do I get the invite to the golden final round?
Help with 5 extra move and I cleard them on the first time it starts to be hard on the lvl
Cleard them without help and at the first time🙂
This to was easy I did it without help... I always forgot to take screenshot but I going to be better on it from now
It starts to be tricky now but I yused help with light bolt to end it