Ok my friend we can delete your community account With your game you will need to uninstall it from your device 💓
Hi my friend if you select 👉 here 👈 and tap on your game icon your moderators will advise you 💓
You are very welcome my friend thank you for joining 🌹💓
Hi my friend no you need to post here then if you are lucky enough to win you can choose what game you would like the gold added to 💓
Hi my friend thank you for your suggestion but all white stars are very difficult to collect so I think it would be to challenging with a contest only running for 2 or 3 weeks 💓
Hi my friend oops you have arrived in bw2 no worries if you select 👉 here 👈 you can tap on your game community icon 💓
Hi my friend oops you have arrived in bw2 no worries if you select 👉 here 👈 you can tap on your game community icon 💓