Sunday moving into Monday update Sunday Was a mixed bag, seems in the 11-1200s the levels were being more annoying than they should have been. Was a grind for part of the day So happy Ummm… something seems slightly out of place, what could it be? Someone hit the rotate feature in paint Sunday Map where I ended Monday…
My test games are using some unorthodox time management Interesting, mine use an utter lack of time management :D
Interesting so is seems like King might be setting up the early board as All-Stars fodder as well as making it more accessible. Seems to line up with the ~3000 foolproof levels.
Ya just wondering where you are sitting for gold. Curious to see where I end up vs your game given the different play styles when I hit 2000. Sorta a play sane vs my rather 6hour gogogogogogogo approach haha.
Speaking of which were are you at for your 2000ish game?
Ya, was expecting the Hub to pop up, in the end got the fishing one again so guess that will be the go to for a bit.
What was the number of levels completed last year for All-Stars? I wonder if they know everyone just makes a new account for All-Stars and just set up the first 3000 for them.
I suspect you cannot go into details one way or the other but is the team thinking more customization of the avatar window?
They in general should not be… that being said, I have run into multiple episodes where most/all of the level show as pink but they are actually not based on the candy crush wiki. This is assuming King has not modified the level and it has not been updated yet difficultly wise. That can take months as the game tracks wins…
My whole point was that for what King needs to test, this is all for All-Stars, very few people do it at the high levels. They need to test where most players are and where purple candies are more plentiful. They will need a few high level players to see if they can tweak drop numbers to keep it from being completely…