Our "national" dish DUTCH BOERENKOOL RECIPE: MASHED POTATOES WITH KALE It’s time to make Dutch boerenkool! But let us tell you first what boerenkool is! Boerenkool is what we Dutchies like to call ‘stamppot’. And a stamppot is a very traditional Dutch winter dish that you make with a combination of mashed potatoes and…
One better, but not to climb on the ranking
Thanks @Diamond_Lim and congratulations to all the winners
2nd attemp (first was my mistake) 2x "+1" and 1x "doggy"
2nd attemp on level 124
Harder then I though or the bar is extremly high. I tried ALL, never came close most of the time. BUT level 124 was a succes, in beating the score
Magic bean! Because most usefull in the Owl/Ghost levels
My entry
@johamilton my first 100
Happy Birthday @NamTruong2001