Yes, just look to the little icon on the top left corner.
Yes of course. I am waiting for new levels now. It wasc supposed to have them today, what happened??
This person is complaining about the grow a puppy event. The could not finish it because it ended earlier and they collect 0 bars. You . are welcome.
Okay, why not starting answering to the ones who speak English? Because I have made a question, several, actually and nobody is responding any. By the way, google translator will take only few minutes of your obviously precious time to find out what them were saying.
It is an event that last a few weeks for you to build a city, growing things for free boost and so. I did not get one and nobody from the game is giving me any answer. This game is not working properly lately. I think I will quit. It is a shame coz i am playing and having the daily bonus for 5 years in a row .
Same here
Same here! I am not getting any response from nobody in this game. I did not have any petopia event, nor mystery mountain, and none is taking time to explain why to me. I am quitting this game for good.
Why fix it if ain't broken? Keep random level feature as it is and please bring mystery mountain back!!@
Go to the map to look for any level you want. The map is located at the right corner of the screen.
Is mystery mountain coming back tomorrow?