It happens to a lot of Spaniards... I don't know if it's your case...but availability changes. My partner has the help of the ads and the corresponding boosters but I don't☺️🤔🤨 Don't's something they are adjusting for some people...I hope it happens to us soon. 🆔1235053205
From the beginning the game Recommends that you link with Facebook or Google. Try to discuss the issue with support...but I think you'll have to repeat the levels.
⌛In a short time I joined...and they helped me grow 🪴 within a great family 😃 ❣️ «Got it!!!🥹😋 🆔1235053205
Most badges are earned by participating in various events or by answering a question you have been asked. It is not always a competition, I recommend you read carefully and from the first part of the conversation thread. And unfortunately they are not going to give you 100 lingots being a newbie... go little by little and…
💗Happy 10 Anniversary🩵 🆔1235053205
422🫂🧩🆙 🆔1235053205
I already updated it...🤗Thank you very much 🫂
Page 2 📃 🆔 1235053205
There are many prizes and even more if you participate in our Candy community...But it is a game in which if you can and want to spend the money yourself...You win friends and other earn money you work in different ways...this is to enjoy...🤔