hi lim as usual a new impossible level 5002 to passes why ?¿ is this on purpose?¿ Merry Christmas
hi yes I did 5000
hi lim
i hope the new levels,will be alright from 5001 Mery crismes & happy new year
hi lim now a new impossible level 4998
hi thank you at last 🥰
it is not only me no one can't pass it why it is taking so long to fix it ??? and the team released now levels after all and not fixing the last week problems before it is a shame 🫤
hi lim how can I get forward if level 4980 is impossible to pass ? so frustrating ???this game is not playable at all !!!🫤
hi lim after spending all my boosters i am at level 4980 another impossible one to pass 🤔🫤🙏