Uuff,A bit complicated... But not impossible Let's go for more levels.
Congratulations BW2, for these 5000 levels of pure adrenaline And quebradero Coconut.... I'm already at level 7200.
Hola, que necesitas????
Good evening king family, I share with you my progress.
Hello, hello we move on..... Good luck to all.
Hello king family, I'm sharing the trailer with you.... Congratulations king These levels are a bit difficult but not impossible.
Lluvia de estrellas amarillo y mira telescopica azul.
If you look, every time you start a level it gives you three options: the oracle, the oracle which is red, the star frock coat is the yellow one, and the laser sight or telescopic sight is the blue one.
Sure, you should have more than 100 yellow bubbles, if you've played bingo, those yellow, blue, and red bubbles are occupied by the oracle. The meteor shower and the laser gaze are empty of their square, occupying is how you replenish them, keep playing and you will get rid of many doubts... Luck.
Sorry, I meant to say "I hope you don't bother king" for the tips.