OMG The first level and the 15th level are just horrendous!!! Absolutely awful. Some of the others aren't exactly nice either! Who can we blame for this lot?
Not sure I know what to do with Mr Toffee's Secret Vault
Can you please tell me what I have to collect in "Shining Stars" I've been collecting speckled bombs but don't think it's that
Can someone please show me a video on how to do this level without boosters. I've tried using boosters. Looks easy enough but almost impossible to get 50 chocolate and 300 timed ones.
Can someone put this in the appropriate place. I'd like to give anyone interested a tip. I was lucky to get the level first time. With level 9914 you need 2 speckled bombs together (twice) to get the 4 outside striped ones. I almost left it too late.
Why has my profile picture changed!!!!. It should be Mim with a photo of a little dog
Can you please explain this. Why is my level 9799 not the same as the one online showing you how to do it. It's almost impossible to do. THIS IS MY LEVEL
Is anyone having trouble with level 9786. I can't get the yellow frog out.
I have finished this level twice now and it won't stop running.
I am on level 9405 and it won't stop running so I am going to miss the chance of winning it first time. What do you suggest
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