When wakeing the tree you get to much time and not enough boosters what does everyone think?
The gold you win
Why is it you won the gold and its gone in your piggy bank that then you have to pay to get it back to use it
Where have all the side games gone like stellas lab / help the ghoust and the tricksters garden gone dont get them anymore
Two whales swim into a bar one says the the other what are you drinking ? It replys with whale sounds and the other whales says your to drunk i will get theses
What is a acer ? No cheating please Answer tommorow
The largest kingfisher in the world the kookaburra also called the laughing jackass because of it song it makes
What does everyone think
Does everyone who plays this game bbw3 or any other game on king that when you get your gold bars and have won them who shouldnt have to pay to get them they should go straight into your gold at the top of screen so you can use them .Does eveyone agree ?
How to
How do you make your own badge to give away to gamers on here pleaae reply thanks
Here are the answers to my questions Britians smallest bird is called the gold grest have a look on the internet ok The worlds smallest bird is the himellian star humbingbird sorry for the spelling
What is britians smallest bird ? No cheating please What is the worlds smallest bird ? No cheating I will give answers tommorow