hi, I would like to just say thanx to those involved for putting up the extra games, brakes up the usual levels "(especially when you've been stuck on for longer then you would like)"
Again Thank You
Too bad so sad nix is right it's free, going through pages of code looking for a tiny miss for us and then run them down, it's funny peps are all this that and the other, then the truth something went all right awry then anger where is the support From me to the hidden ones 😜🤣 (PROGRAMERS) Thanx for the fantastic work you…
Oh and does it matter what bubble gum level your on? Thank for all your hard work couldn't imagine all the things you must have to do, reading posts sending posts setting up and coming through with game ideas, just some one who realize how much do do you all have shifts or just work when evere, TTFN