Thank you thank you!!!!!! I have been taking my candy pet to the main bowl of candy and not the little individual candy statue. Oh my gosh. Thank you!!! I have wasted so many hearts and coins:)))
Hi. I am on 4444. And my goal was to get to level 5000 by the end of the year. Looks like this goal ont be happening. I remember a day when I had to stop playing and wait for the levels to accumulate because I was at the highest level. Then I waited too long. I have so much work to do to catch up. Haha. But the levels are…
I love love love my petopia events!!!!! It’s so exciting when it just shows up unexpectedly. I definitely take advantage of all the goodies and moving through the levels quickly. Does anybody know where I place my little pet when it has the little chocolate candy above it? I would assume I take the pet to the chocolate…
Congrats to the 5000 club!! My goal is to get here by the end of the year!!!! I was on my way to 5000…. And then I took a many month hiatus. I now regret that. This game has been my meditation. see you here very soon.
I am playing this wrong:((( I was excited for this contest and didn’t take my screenshots. Im duch a pet rescue community newbie…. But pet rescue game lover oldie!!!!
Oh my gosh!!! I love this!!!! How do you make these banners? @Lady_Choo csn you do a tutorial for us? I’ve been playing this game for years… and I am just getting into the community. Love the energy here. ❣️