@QueenB Whoever at the studio told you my issue with the game lagging (re. other thread) wasn't an issue clearly is inept. I can't believe so many reported bugs at the top of this forum section—and I bet all of them are related to the current season/tournament. I'm so looking forward to it being gone tomorrow!
@QueenB This isn't just a mobile bug. As you know, I'm currently not doing anything on my mobile game. But in completing my Chocolate Box today, it appeared on the Win app. First time I saw it, it was just the one, same as everyone else. But replaying the level, I later got… And right before I won the playthrough of the…
So long as they don't screw up the game in Nov, they can do whatever they want in Dec. I'll just use the winter break to catch up on my streaming shows. 😎
November 4th can't come soon enough. Wish the tournament/season would end already so the game can go back to normal on mobile (and I can finally play again). grrr
Now it's just pathetic. King's pushing a promo for this through that marketing@emails.king.com address, sent at 5:38pm today. The hilarious part? "Spaces are limited, so get in quick!" You're trying to lure people to your event 3 days before said event. Why the immediacy? 🤣 Clearly no one's biting. I hope King takes lots…
Geez this forum sucks at navigating on phone. Ugh. Not gonna tag since it seems to remove the "keyboard". But I appreciate you keeping this issue in mind and updating us. The game continues to not work properly. I discovered if I play the booster-ads or play a level, that's the only time the speed is normal. The main map…
Note to Friends in my list: I'm only able to send 1 life for the foreseeable future until King fixes the bug on Android mobile version of the game. (I can't send 2 lives simultaneously from my phone + PC as normal)
@QueenB yoohoooo! I see you started a new thread about some ridiculous hairdos yesterday. But could you acknowledge if this essential issue was reported to the Studio and if something's being done about it? The game is currently unplayable on Android, continuing into today. The game's start-up sequence takes noticeably…
I can't let this go. It's like a Chia Pet, alien, and the mushroom kingdom folk in Super Mario all rolled in one. …it also triggers my quasi-trypophobia. Who in the world thought this up??