Can anyone tell me why I keep getting adverts in Arabic and other foreign languages? It's bad enough getting the ads in the first place without them being in a language I don't understand. If I want to buy a booster package the price appears in AED! WHY?
I find all the rewards useful at some point or other, but would say the cat that eats all the same colour is most useful to me (except when I place it on the wrong colour lol). I love the action of the tractor that eats a whole row, but oh how pained I feel when I place it on the wrong row. I've come to the conclusion that…
Sheer luck in the end, but found it was best to go for fire crackers as much as possible, since they were the hardest to get. I didn't use any boosters! Was in shock when I finally completed the level lol.
I found the first 8 were ok, but if you don't like 8, you won't like 9 :( I will pass the feedback on. Only 15 moves for this, I need a miracle AND a lucky board.
Hi Fanghopper, When you say 9 gold bars in Candy Crush Soda Saga on mobile, then I think Extra Moves.. Are you sure you click the right option when you fail a level because you're out of moves? 9 bars is exactly what's deducted on mobile when you click the option to continue with extra moves ;-) Is your attorney a Soda…
Further to my question. ..level 10 of scary dairy requires collection of 35 water drops, 75 carrots, 75 strawberries and collect 2 spiders that get trapped 3 times each...all this with only 14 moves. You're having a laugh. I require one heck of a lucky board, hundreds of boosters and devine intervention.
I managed it after many many attempts and had to use lots of boosters. Level 1975 is even worse! Not enough moves. King really do need to rethink these levels and stop making them impossible to pass without losing the will to live.
I am also stuck on level 9 and despite numerous complaints to King, I am told to watch it on you tube. I can't see the same game that I have on you tube . Think King fix these events so that certain players can not finish events. The game board I have is start with 14 moves, 6 blocked in seeds, grow 9 flowers, collect 110…
Thanks for your reply. It shouldn't really make a difference what device is used...I declined the offer of extra moves and gold bars were still taken...I am so disappointed with it all. I think king should replace now I can't buy my way to the next level, and haven't the opportunity to reach chests before time…
I was offered 5 extra moves and I declined, but gold bars were still taken from me. I didn't even press the wrong button! Clearly something needs to be done, ie, confirm button before using or losing gold bars.