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Bennihanna Level 2

I was in a great group of Fantastic Five. Winning all the time since we all had high scores. The group disappeared for no reason and I am now in a useless group. How does this happen without me doing anything. Is King doing this?


  • Sometimes it's not worth it but at least there is the option to not do it and then get a new chocolate box.
  • On one of my devices it appears and then disappears.
  • Well, I played the Chocolate Box and won. And when I went to collect, that's when I got the server error message. So no prize. Annoying. They should stop adding a hundred different games every day. There are too many games at once and it probably messes up the system.
  • Got it. I also saw that if you just wait, that box goes away and is replaced by the old one. Thank you again!
  • Ah! FInally! That makes sense. But does it say which levels????
  • There are a TON of events going on. Miss Dexter. Thank you Freddy.
  • I would also like to see the Dexter Space Race come back. This wrapped candy contest every week is annoying and stupid.
  • Official answer from King (the same one they give all the time): we carry out studies to determine which players will take part in any special event or game which is why all players do not all have the same things like Chocolate Box, Dexter Space Race, etc. Major BS really. They don't know what they are doing other than…
  • Ah, just as I thought. Thank you for that new information. We didn't know we had to update the app. Your advice is so useful - not.
  • Must be another "technical" issue that they are solving to help us all, like they have been saying since it disappeared a few weeks ago. They could fix the design of this web page too. It looks like it was created over a hundred years ago. Wonder what's next? We have to pay just to play????
  • Same here. I have it on two phones. On one phone it was still the old version and disappeared last night. If King stopped fooling around with the design, these "glitches" could be avoided. I wouldn't call them "glitches". Just plain bad design.
  • Same here. And what is even more annoying is that sometimes the only choice in the box is a switch hand or a lolihammer. A lolihammer is exactly what we are trying to win. So we need to use one to get one????
  • Not in their interest to give out free prizes like that. The only time they were REALLY generous was at the beginning of Covid during the first confinement when they gave free lives for 24 or more hours. The first one, not all the others!
  • I have the old version on one device and the new one on another. It's just a design change. The game is the same. They waste their time changing the look of candies and games and we waste our time paying attention to their nonsense!
  • I have no game and no updates to install. The only thing I have is a game which I don't understand that has the title of troll in it. What do I need to do to get the chocolate box back?
  • Not to mention how rude we all were.
  • @LindQ What do you mean by "eventually" or does that mean you have no idea?
  • Of course they're not ashamed - too rich. And the stupid graphic design changes don't make any difference to the fact that they are just trying to make boosters harder to get for free.
  • I am having the same problem with this weekend's game. Can anybody explain how a player can win thousands of green candies in a few minutes? This is not the first time.
  • And why do we have the Chocolate Box on one device but not another?!!

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?