@Nikolaos_Prodromidis, Oh, so right! I wish there was a surefire way to know if an opponent is a "serial blocker", because I most definitely will fire the first shot. When you actually wait to see if they will block you, it may come at a critical time.
@Nikolaos_Prodromidis, I believe that was wrong of them to do that. I understand you're not able to get Mastery Points for playing Royal Championship now, but you shouldn't take the Mastery Points we earned when you were playing Royal Championship. Those points were earned, we did nothing wrong to get them. Is there…
@Sinaman, @wrinklydolly, @cmgunn, @djilik, @DieOmimi, @Mrsloper, @Nikolaos_Prodromidis, @holliedolly2002 , Yes, Sinaman you can get this many points, it's hard to do at times but you can do it, because I have. Why do you say, Pay to Win? It is nat a guarantee for you to win. What it is is a guarantee for you to play as…
@Sinaman, @wrinklydolly, @cmgunn, @djilik, @DieOmimi, @Mrsloper, @Nikolaos_Prodromidis Yes, Sinaman you can get that many points playing. Although it is hard to do at times, you can do it, because I have. I opt to play the 24hr ticket for the 49 gold bars, and yes, if and I say if you are first on your leaderboard the…
@Nikolaos_Prodromidis, @holliedolly2002, With all the excessive blocking all around in every Arena, I have now changed my way of play. I no longer will block you after you block me. I will block you first, if I can! If by chance you get your blocker before me and you don't block me, I will return the favor, that is until…
@Nikolaos_Prodromidis, This happens a lot! Especially lately. You have "serial" blockers practically every game. Then you think you may have a chance at 3 game winning streak, when your opponent gets "cascading candies" from the candy gods. You go back to one and try it all over again and still get the same results!