@Allouna76 according to this picture...he doesn’t have enough to cage the opponent. At this point even if he used the fishnet & stripped Candy... all the opponent has to do is create a color bomb and then the stripped Candy will be next to it.. and he loses.
It’s not a guarantee win if he used the fishnet and stripped Candy. Depends on where the fish decided to go. If it went to the 2nd row from the bottom they don’t win.
You’re not going to be able to play until Tuesday at this point. They will fix it on Monday is what they will tell you. And we all know Monday it doesn’t run anyways.
I always saved mine and only used the free ones because as we all know the algorithm will let you win when they want you to. So they could have stocked up on them.
Yep.. I’m officially done with it!! It started out so great & here we are almost 2 years later complaining about the same things!! Nothing has changed for the better and only gets worse!!
I don’t think it’s possible. Sadly, I’m almost to that point of quitting. It’s not fun or exciting anymore. Very predictable. Same boards same everything. Take care & check in every now & then.
I used to get to the 7 streak multiple times each round last year. I’m lucky to get passed the 5 streak anymore. Seriously wish they would do something about the timer.... there is no way a player should be able to use boosters 4 times before making their actual moves before the timer even gets to half way. Boosters should…