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Deryck Level 5


  • Yep, that's the elusive CR tier system I get once in a blue moon. To its credit, the game lists the Candy Royale issue in FAQs: That does little in terms of letting me know if/when I'll get my reward though. I bet this all started when the game team decided to change up CR in the first place. Goes to show 'if it ain't…
  • Congrats @Kerrie! With you so high up on the map, that's a real feat. Or was this win on your other account? Wasn't aware you had a 2nd. I noticed the lack of an increasing jackpot re. the tiers too. I seem to get that version of CR most. Another version has 500, 600, and 700 gb for the tiers—with an increased number of…
  • Agreed @Kerrie, anything that gives everyone a chance is welcome by me considering just about everything requires passing new levels these days. 😐️ Maybe my Candy Cup post?: 🏆 Candy Cup is Back 🎉 - Page 4 — King Community That's the only place I mention Candy Royale recently.
  • @cookiemae I pondered this for a bit, and I don't think device is at the root of it. a) I play on mobile, where one would expect the event to appear, yet it doesn't. b) Past versions of both All Stars and Candy Cup reached me just fine—and that was back when I only played on the Win 10 app as I didn't have a smartphone…
  • aw, that sucks @T0rr1e. But good to know yet another thing King treats its players differently over. 🙄 Well let's find out if I really did disappear. See what happens if you try to re-add me (my invite link):
  • oops @T0rr1e, seems my reply was held for approval. Recheck this thread tomorrow for my reposted invite link. Based on previous exp., it'll likely blend in with the old replies (i.e., won't be posted as a new post).
  • @QueenB Like the most recent All Stars, this latest Candy Cup is not in my game. At least this time the relevant candy color changed over to the new design (green trophies). However, I suspect I won't get the event regardless. I don't mind; I think I'll take another break from new levels again. I'm more irked by what I…
  • I've also gotten it consecutive days this past week. Today's my 4th day IIRC. Personally, I hope it stays. Not only does it have the benefit you mention, but I also quite like getting that party popper and UFO every day. I'd post how to easily beat it, but then King might make it harder—or remove it entirely. hint: it's…
  • @christinewupp wrote: "I have found myself in the annoying position of getting 5 lives even though I had full lives many times in the past , but maybe this has changed?" It seems we have different experiences. I've always gotten a hammer from the episode milestone in the event I already had full lives. I only get the +5…
  • @christinewupp wrote: "Quite often it is someone from my friends list who supposedly celebrates with me and gifts me the three moves, sometimes it is a friend proposal from King. In fact it reliably happens whenever I fail my first level after logging in." I can confirm experiencing your 2nd sentence. But of the 1st…
  • Indeed @christinewupp! I find the game algorithm is more likely to throw players a lucky board if they begin a level with boosters—even not-so-good boosters like these haha. (of course it's up to the discerning player to make the right moves…😉) BTW while it may be tempting to hold on to your stored lives after burning…
  • 😮Never seen this. What device do you play on, @Peter_Tornaros? Perhaps a new "test" feature…
  • Nope, @Kerrie. Per my new strategy on the last page, I'm always at a deficit of lives these days. 😄 And yes please! I might play an episode tonight, so they'll come in handy.
  • Yes @Colleen12, your sent lives have been invaluable to me too. Scanning my envelope, these are users I recall from the community whose lives I've received: @christinewupp, @Alienscar, @Carol-38, @Kerrie, @nekocat, Janka, tifa, and Player with the raccoon bandit avatar (not actually sure if they're a community member, but…
  • @QueenB Regarding what was said in the most recent pages, Sneaky Melon Duck was/is always the 1st name in the Friends list. I've never seen it in any other position in my list, and I've never seen more than one SMD. Anyway, thanks to everyone here sending me lives especially @cookiemae! My Win10 app was buggy a few weeks…
  • I haven't seen it in a few weeks but will post if it appears again. Funny thing, when I used the "add friends" feature once, the player name "Melon Duck" appeared in the list. Either the glitch is spreading, it's a bot, or a real person's impersonating the Sneaky Melon Duck. 😆
  • 1. Metallic and brilliant
  • Entry 2, 4 of a kind playing latest Episode Race 😎:
  • Missed the exact 25-mark, but I have: Does that count?

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