Oh my goodness. When i was young we literally ate chicken enchiladas pretty much every single night for dinner...For years!!! I think because it was just simple and easy to make and my mom had 6 kids to deal with.
When they don't answer your texts, they moved away and didn't tell you, they are living their own life and you don't seem to be a part of it. This actually happened to me, unfortunately. I haven't talked to, seen or texted my childhood friend in at least half a year maybe longer. They were the one to move away and stop…
The country definitely. I already live on a farm and i couldn't imagine living in a big city or even a suburban town with all the houses so close together. EEEK! I like my big open spaces. Okay, next question 'Which poet is your favorite?'
I don't play games at work(because i don't have a job) but i do when i take a break from schoolwork. I play solitaire's pyramids, Tri-peaks, and spider. I also Play Candy Crush. I play the card games at least once a day and sometimes Candy Crush everyday. My question for the next person is What was your favorite book…