Has anyone managed to complete this level 14980. Only 20 moves. Not getting close
Thanks PummyRaj
New levels today 6th March on android have not caught up on levels on PC. Do we have to wait another 2 weeks before more new levels for android and ipad. If so unless you add alot more levels then android and ipad will never catch up with levels on PC. Or I have to stop playing on PC so I get new levels on ipad
I dont either and have checked for updates. Update on my phone but no new levels
Scooterpie. There was update on my phone but still no new levels. Ipad no update so will try again tomorrow
Thanks Scooterpie. Will do
Has todays new levels for android been delayed
Its working now
I am having the same problem. I have logged out and logged back in checked for updates and cleared my cache and still not connecting. This is only on my laptop. Ipad it works
thanks PummyRaj. will try it