Re: Beat the Queen and get Free Boosters! #4 (FINISHED)
Hello @QueenMia thanks for choosing a fantastic level. Hopefully we should be seeing more participants this time. The score too isn't so high and hence many players should be able to beat it. Wish ev…6 -
Re: Beat the Queen and get Free Boosters! #3 (FINISHED)
Hello @QueenMia, it was really tough to beat your score. I had to play many many times to just overcome your score and it was sheer luck that I ended up with the highest score. You could give me 2 wr…1 -
Re: piggy bank access?
Hello @santiagoraul, I completely agree with you but there is nothing we can do about it. This is best suitable for players who can shell out hard earned money but I would never do it. I would be del…3 -
Re: Candy Crush Friends Saga wins a Fan Favorite Google Play Award!
I voted for this game and I'm delighted that Google has selected it as a favourite. .......I love this game more than CCS.......3