Re: King Community Date Quiz (finished)
D for all of them 😁1 -
Re: A short poll to ask you what type of contests you prefer
Thanks for tagging @Betts I voted for Code Contest as it encourages players to explore and find the results related to the game or the community.3 -
Re: (FINISHED) Win gold bars. Tag you’re the “one” contest.
Thanks for tagging me @Lim ! Honestly, I have no idea how to keep track of who's tagging whom. 😉 I see that some of my fellow Friends Game Experts have already been tagged @Sofia1992 @candycrushinit …8 -
Re: Add a confirm button before using boosters - You asked for it, the Studio did it!
Thank you for implementing this feature. It is a great enhancement. No more accidental waste of booster! Hurray! =)5 -
Re: How many outfits are you still missing in your scrapbook?
Hi @Sofia1992 Thanks for the tag but somehow it didn't work. Anyway, I have found your thread. I have 49 of the 51 available. I'm missing Galaxy Yeti and Soccer (Football) Tiffi. May be someone can l…3