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Having Purchasing Problems

Missy-2 Posts: 1 Newbie

Hi My Grandmother plays Pyramid Soltare Saga She Purchased 900 Gold Bars for 69.99 and it also stated she would get 50% more bars plus the 900 well she only got the 900 she didn't get her 50% she should have 1363 and she only had 913(Because she's played the game while i'm typing this question) anyway i want to know why she didn't get her 50% more bars and i also want to know why there is so much tax on games the order was $80 after taxes i used a itunes card but still $80 is a bit much 


  • StuckInATree
    StuckInATree Posts: 4,755 Level 3

    I think the tax is coming from Apples side, I've never been charged tax whenever I've bought gold bars from the Google Playstore. 

  • Tutti255
    Tutti255 Posts: 6 Level 2

    I had the same problem and iTunes sent me to king and then back to iTunes...I got my extra bars plus my money back as an "I'm sorry" gesture...truly appreciated....just contact where you purchased from they will guide you....hope this helps....good luck....that's a lot of lute!!$

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