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Michiganplayer Level 3


  • The idea of King doing the right thing- That's funny. They have near unanimous outrage over this stupid decision to take away boosters for past levels and even when faced with the clear backlash, refuse to fix it. The clock is ticking, King.
  • Yet another week has gone by with King ignoring its customers. I am not sure if I have dealt with a more stubborn, tone deaf company than King. Again, I ask the community manager to march in there and tell the developers how irritated the players are with this foolish decision. No, we won't get over it. Fix the game that…
  • @Cezdiamond Please go to the developers every day and let them know this is the hottest topic on the board and among players. The numbers don't lie. Regardless of the intent, it is clearly a mistake. Tell them to just fix it. If they don't respond, show up again the next day.
  • For some reason, I am not able to post on the topic about Build-a-Bot for past levels. Perhaps my comments about what a horrible change this has been and insistence that they fix this disaster have ruffled some feathers. Anyways, a word of advice for the King employee overseeing this. Walk into the developers offices every…
  • So my question for the "community manager" is, "Are you going to tell the developers about the consensus negative reaction and push them to change it back?" There is literally no point to having a forum for ideas when the company disregards the item that has upset the most customers. Does King value feedback or ignore it?…
  • Many of us do not accept that they won't bring back the build a bot for past levels. People loved it and it was a highlight for years until some genius decided to "fix it". By "fixing it", they ruined the game. They ruined it, so they can undo the damage and fix it back. Listen to your customers already, King.
  • Well, this is troubling news. At least our complaints were finally addressed. Granted, it was King saying they are ignoring their customers. I will not spend another penny on the game and am looking for a replacement. I used to play a few hours per night. I think people consume products differently. Even though I am past…
  • Another day without hearing from King about bringing back the boosters for past levels. Another day that I refuse to spend a penny on this game. Come on King, actually listen to your customers and fix this disaster.
  • Out of principal, I will not spend a penny on it until they bring back build-a-bot. Yet another day with King not addressing it.
  • Let me explain myself. There is a level that I really like playing- level 2982. I am somewhere in the 4000s, but my favorite thing to do was replay 2982 and see how many Boosters I could add. I could play that level for hours. Well, all the fun has been taken away from it now. So I just lost the desire to play.
  • I did everything to contact King in every way I could to communicate my frustration with them eliminating build-a-bot. I have cut my Candy Crush time down to a quarter of what it was before the change, and am moving towards zero. I found some other games I like. This was just a stupid move by this company.
  • Yes, I agree. How about being able to type in the level. Oh, and give us the **EDIT: Rude** boosters for beating those levels!!!
  • I signed up just to comment on this. They have ruined the game for me. Although I am on level 4226, my favorite level to play is 2982. I enjoyed playing that level and seeing how many Boosters I could get. I would just keep replaying the level. I didn't use the Boosters for any other level. It was just a simple pleasure.…

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