Yeah, it's okay if you gotta wait 2 days. I'll be sure to leave you a spot. I had 27/30 the last time I checked, but there are a couple of inactive players I can remove in case that's why you're having trouble finding it.
I am also looking for playa's to join my clan We have fun, and we also have fun winning! 😁 Clan Name: Island N'Sanity Leader: SplodedYoda Come and Win with us! 🤪
Absolutely @Dragonited! I opened up 3 spots for you guys right now, I'll be sure they are available for you when you're ready to join! Preciate it! Lesss Gooooo!
Feel free to join up!! The other teams in our bracket aren't even close, but we gotta keep it that way. We need your help... we want You, to join team Island N'Sanity! Lesss Goooooo
If you really need a team, Island N'Sanity is da whey. #1 in our bracket and there's always available spots for active players Plus, look at that Crash^. You could say no, but he would be shocked 😳