🥇First positions in the Royal Championship? Share your screenshot and collect your badge!

Royal Championship - What do you think?



  • NamTruong2001
    NamTruong2001 Posts: 4,409

    I have just caught the abnormal situation.

    When the opponent has run out of time. The board does not switch to my turn. Instead, he/she makes a move right in front of my eyes. (Sorry I just only capture that image)

    Another one: When the opponent has run out of time, he/she does not make a move. Instead, it appears a message like that while Internet is super strong. 😀 What happened???

  • SodaPopSan
    SodaPopSan Posts: 36

    Level 3

    Hey friends and fellow “Crushers” am I the only one playing and having fun wanting to “Compete” on


    i really wish someone would compete!!

    by the way... KING COMMUNITY... I LOVE the New Board!! Let’s go for one more 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽

  • SodaPopSan
    SodaPopSan Posts: 36

    Level 3

    I really wish we had more people playing and competing!!!! Are there competitions on the other games yet? Candy, Soda or ooooohhhhg on the “Candy Crush w/Friends” would be a fun competition and I’m not talking about like with sang LicoriceLarry either lol ughhhh LL and I have beef hahahahaaa

  • SodaPopSan
    SodaPopSan Posts: 36

    Level 3

    That’s bc maybe you left your screen for more than 30seconds. Your game will time you out and disqualify you of you close it to answer a text or a phone call or something. It’ll basically close the game if you don’t come back to it really quick. I find that I can send a three to four word text like “CRUSHING TTYS” lmao! For real though. My gamely think so need CCA (CANDY CRUSH ANONYMOUS) hahahaaa

  • Playing again and again I started having the same opponents! All of them have cartoonish images and I remember some of their names! On the other hand I do not remember to have a second game against opponent with a real photo!

    Maybe this means that there is a limited number of bots?

  • LotusC
    LotusC Posts: 33

    Level 3

    edited July 2020

    Something else I've noticed: Your board is sometimes rearranged sneakily when the game pans over to your opponent's side, even when they make moves that have no chance of touching your side of the board. Today I had a wrapped candy formation that I was looking forward to creating a wrapped candy with. If formed it would have been next to my striped candy and I would have been able to wipe away the board to 43 points in one swish. My opponent even went over to my side with his cage looking to block it. I imagine he was just as shocked as I was to find it gone.

    King, please let us just play this game fairly. This kind of trickery is very annoying. I think I almost prefer candies falling randomly like manna from heaven to my advantageous candy formations being sneakily rearranged so my opponent wins. By the way, I still won the game 😂

  • Leanna_Allen
    Leanna_Allen Posts: 1,169
  • dc2015
    dc2015 Posts: 186

    It sure would be nice if we had a community manager that would tell us what's going on. Was the whole week back to back just a trial run or is that something that's going to happen more? We haven't heard any news in a long time. Guess they don't like what we say so we don't get to find out anything.

  • Amkenny
    Amkenny Posts: 29

    Level 3

    Is it up for anyone yet today? Every time I go to find it in the morning it’s not there anymore, and randomly shows up later on in the day with several hours missing from the clock as if it was running the whole time. I bought the 24 hour thing with 13 hours to be carried over Friday into Saturday and kept checking for it but nothing all morning Saturday too - when it finally came on it only had less than 32 hours left and said I only had 55 mins remaining in my unlimited! Second time it’s failed to carry over so looks like I won’t be doing that again! 😣 I check for updates available all the time and nothing. What’s the deal?!

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?