🥇First positions in the Royal Championship? Share your screenshot and collect your badge!

Royal Championship - What do you think?



  • jamilsidiq
    jamilsidiq Posts: 5,298

    I hate candy crush saga... Many changes. Not good game Same 3 years ago 😥😥😥

  • NamTruong2001
    NamTruong2001 Posts: 4,409

    Because the classic theme will be eradicated before December 31th 2020. And I really hate the new look. All my favorite things in the original will be gone.

  • jamilsidiq
    jamilsidiq Posts: 5,298

    @NamTruong2001 yes my dear friend you are really saying it's right.. so many changing.. not really same before.. it's really so sad 😟😧😢

  • ladyLeLe
    ladyLeLe Posts: 33

    Level 3

    @alsto40 yea I absolutely agree. I have even noticed that when my opponent takes there turn and is matching so many more candies in there one turn, their time actually stops until there’s no more to catch. But when I match candies and a few more will match in that turn, my time doesn’t stop like theirs did, it keeps going. It’s so annoying because I’m sure I would be able to win just as easily if my time stopped like that also. 🙄


    Posts: 255

    Level 3

    August 24

    What pisses me off more than anything is how one sided these games are. Very rarely do you have a game that it comes down to the last move. The opponents ALWAYS seem to be able to cage me 3-4 time in one move when my cage barely even fills up. The opponent ALWAYS get more time than me. When they don’t make a move their timer runs out in 30 seconds. When they make a move it adds time to them. I can think for just a second and next thing I know I lost my turn because I only get 30 seconds no matter what. Go back to the way the game was when it first came out when it was skill and not the candy gods letting you win!!

  • ladyLeLe
    ladyLeLe Posts: 33

    Level 3

    @headoperations yea I’m not sure why either. 🤷🏽‍♀️ Sometimes I’ll have another comp straight away but recently I’ve had such long waits in between. Last week with the 4 day wait was by far the worst to date 😫 and boy was it a loooooong wait 😳😂

  • cmgunn
    cmgunn Posts: 35

    Level 3

    RC should be available 24/7! And there should definitely be an eye roll emoji. 😂🙄🤦🏻‍♀️

  • Ace94
    Ace94 Posts: 26

    Level 3

    I am paw , currently at level 3904 on the main map in candy crush JELLY saga . Unfortunately the royal championship is not a FAIR MATCH. Here’s why :

    When one nears the end of a streak , one is matched with a player (or maybe just the system posing as a player) who gets SHOWERED with special candies next to each other , colour bombs next to one another , special candies next to colour bombs etc. Whereas one hardly get the chance to spread the jelly. I’m sure if that player who was paired nears the end of his/her streak it’s the same story for him/her.

    This is a constant pattern in the RC. Possibly to frustrate players and entice them to buy lives using gold bars and ultimately purchase gold bars by paying real money.

    I have e-mailed king care hundreds of times addressing the issue but they never fix it and always reply by asking me to join the king community. So eventually I did.

    The management should bare in mind that the repeated frustration of not being able complete a streak due to the above mentioned pattern may lead to the player’s disinterest in the game altogether rather than inclining him to purchase gold bars.

    I am requesting the management to be completely transparent about wether the RC is designed with the above mentioned pattern prevailing, eventually for the purpose to sell gold bars ?

  • alsto40
    alsto40 Posts: 455

    @Ace94 Welcome!! They are going to tell the game isn’t rigged and that it’s just skill & little luck. But if you go & read these threads... everyone has the same problems. The studio doesn’t listen to us & will do what they want. They have ruined it for us who have been playing since day 1 when it was actually based on skill & little luck.

  • cmgunn
    cmgunn Posts: 35

    Level 3

    @Ace94 I think it’s most definitely for selling the gold bars, and I REFUSE to buy them. 👎🏼😑

  • cmgunn
    cmgunn Posts: 35

    Level 3

    Btw, I wish these response emojis had something other than “sweet” with the thumbs up... sometimes I’ve clicked it and later thought about it and I’m like dang, I hope (whoever) didn’t take it the wrong way. Lots of the times when I click the sweet or love emoji, I’m just agreeing with the person. Just putting that out there. Lol not trying to piss anybody off. 😬

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