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Royal Championship - What do you think?



  • Leanna_Allen
    Leanna_Allen Posts: 1,169
    edited May 2020

    I'm not sure but it seems like booster freeze and other mess ups happen more frequently when the new boards are being rotated in...Anyone else notice this? Sorry I can't edit after I accidentally tag someone for some reason 🤷🏻‍♀️..meant to tag @jjac272903

    @alsto40 ?

  • alsto40
    alsto40 Posts: 455

    @Leanna_Allen Yes!! I didn’t have a freeze issue at all last round and there was no “new” boards.

  • dc2015
    dc2015 Posts: 186

    Makes twice I've made it to final round and lose. Both time my opponents had candies fall from the sky 🤬 now to wait an hr before I can play again 😒

  • Didi-7
    Didi-7 Posts: 40

    Level 3

    O my goshhhhhhhh. You are so on point🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂

  • Jeremyvenham
    Jeremyvenham Posts: 31

    Level 3

    How do I get to play the game with just an avatar and NO NAME and also have ridiculous magic candies rain throughout the 4 moves it would take me to win??? Anyone.....I mean ANYONE in the 'candy office' care to inform me? After spending real money on 'fixed' games, I really would like to know!!!

  • suzekit
    suzekit Posts: 279

    I like the RC but I don’t like the Emoji’s within the game, the only thing they add to the match is added frustration.

    On some of the games the boards start unfairly - your opponent has a board where they can instantly make a Colour Bomb and you only get a singular move to make a match.

    I agree with other players - the boosters take way too long to load, especially the wrapped fish and striped lollipop.

    I think the prizes should be greater - maybe 50 Gold Bars for the winner, decreasing by 10 Gold Bars, for 2nd, 3rd and 4th places, and the winner should get some 3 or 4 extra Boosters for Winning.

    What I would love to see is the return of the Cup,Cake Challenge, it’s been a long time since that appeared on the game.

  • Leanna_Allen
    Leanna_Allen Posts: 1,169

    @headoperations @HeadI meant one you can react to a comment with...Like the "sassy" "helpful"...We need one that says "sorry" 🤣🤣

  • Leanna_Allen
    Leanna_Allen Posts: 1,169

    @headoperations so I guess that wouldn't be called an emoji 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • Leanna_Allen
    Leanna_Allen Posts: 1,169

    These boards are my least favorite. I'm already bored..😐

  • jjac272903
    jjac272903 Posts: 1,083

    @Leanna_Allen oh my lord! 😳 I dont know how you refrain from using them. I know we are not cagers by nature but you really have a prize bank going on there.e. I agree with you that they don't activate quick enough, but I dont have that many. Thats impressive and awesome at the same time. 😲 I wish the boosters would activate after 4-6 matching candies like the freakin cages do. 🙄

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