Royal Championship - What do you think?
I loved the Royal championship at first. I got to the top of the leaderboard and got a long streak and suddenly I lost every game after that for 2 rounds of buying tickets because the person I’m playing against randomly gets lollipops and FISH from the sky, not even making them. I won every game I played until I bought gold bars and was on the leaderboard. People that make stupid moves and use their blocker to block my candies and don’t even know where to put it that aren’t winning anything all beat me in 2 turns. YES, 2!!! I’ve also had boards where I don’t have a move the ENTIRE GAME. Having to move candies at the very top that aren’t even part of my board/ color!!!!! Never happened until i bought bars and made it to 1st. Also, I cooled off from almost throwing my phone after that and played the next day and FINALLY won, and instead of advancing on a streak and gaining points, Got “no connection” and my ticket was used, game not won, and no reward what so ever after I reached 50. This is a huge scam. Im FURIOUS.
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every game is like this. EVERY ONE. I’m not just playing bad now. I won every game till I bought bars and got on the top of the leaderboard. started not getting any good boards. They went first and got a stripe and a wrapped and I didn’t even have anything to match until I got a lollipop from stuff at the top. They won this with 50 and I had 7. This wouldnt be a big deal if this hasn’t happened like 20+ games in a row where I literally don’t stand a chance.
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This is BS. I will mot spend my money on a crooked game. We are not stupid!
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So I couldn't get past stage one in the last round...Not because I didn't play well...I won...but with all the "sorry there was a problem" and "no internet connection" I couldn't advance 🤣🤣🤣🤣
RC IS NOW A JOKE!!! Only play if you want to be totally frustrated!! And whatever you do... DON'T PAY TO PLAY THIS GAME!! Just my "expert" advice!!
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@alexwhite504 hi!
You describe very clear what many players face on the last months! The only that I do not agree is that it happens when you buy gold bars! No, it happens and without buying bars!
Responsible for this are mostly some of the newer arenas, where happens exactly what you describe, while on older arenas the situation is more balanced!
I discussed about some problems here and there in the forum! Stay tuned for more discussions and ideas!
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When you are totally sure that you would win (or fail)
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Ok. What is really happening with the server at the today morning?
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Hi all!
Continuing my "experiment" I realized again that Sunday is a very difficult day! 😶
I also realized again that entering into event late you win!
Entered into event Sunday morning (East Europe time), 20 hrs delayed!
During the whole Sunday maximum win streak 2 (only once), maximum loose streak 5! Responsible for this was arena 11! The algorithm was very "generous" giving my arena 11 on more than 50% of my matches!
Thanks to a few times that I played on arena 3 and had perfect score, I kept in touch with the top! (was 2nd with 60 points difference)
Situation changed drastically Monday Morning:
- Mostly arena 3 and a few arena 12
- Easy opponents
- Opponent on peacock level who did not know how to play (I think it is a known bot profile)
- 9 win streak
- The first player on the leaderboard did not play since Sunday afternoon, totally 16 hrs! Came back on last hour for 5 tickets, but it was not enough!
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All I have to say is that this RC is weird, unfair and not even in many ways. 😡 Last night at almost closing time for the competition, I was in 2nd. place with 81 points and tell me why during the last 9 minutes remaining for the closing time, the 3rd place player “Jackie” with no picture ID and with 63 points shows up with 91 points total! almost 30 points difference from 63 in no time! She pretty much stolle my second place. 😡Crazy isn’t it?? I wonder, who was this person? A freaking bot? Or a game hacker? 🤖 😣
Also, I played with a bot named Lizzy (blue cat) 🤖 at the last minute. I won the match and then something strange happened: When I got my points, my ID picture showed in 2nd. (with the name Jackie) and 3rd. place (with my name) on the leaderboard..... THOSE ARE MEAN AND SNEAKY BOTS!!! 🤖 🤖 😡😡