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Tips, Advice, but Mostly Luck in playing RC



  • ClarenceBeaks
    ClarenceBeaks Posts: 58

    Level 3

    So on this board key strategic points for me are:

    1. Start by trying to spread some of your jelly, preferably at the top. Bring the jelly in from the sides. Given the choice, use red or blue candies.
    2. Make a decision early on if you're going to go for the caged colour bomb, this will depend on the board set up and how many red/blue candies you have to activate a booster that can break the cage.
    3. Horizontal striped candies are particularly effective in the middle of the board, breaking through cages and colouring the shared board.
    4. The key space on this board for me is the following:

  • ClarenceBeaks
    ClarenceBeaks Posts: 58

    Level 3

    If I can cage this earlier it usually means they'll be unable to get to their colour bomb, plus it narrows down the top of their board. A second cage, if possible, next to this is near fatal.

    Another point on this board is if you're going for your colour bomb, try to make sure you have a jellied candy next to it before using it.

  • ClarenceBeaks
    ClarenceBeaks Posts: 58

    Level 3

    Thanks to @NamTruong2001 I've copied a few other boards, I'll post them separately and they can be quoted if someone wants to offer tips / ask questions. These are mostly the new boards and I'm still working these ones out. If anyone wants to post earlier boards I'd be happy to outline my strategies for these. I particularly like the symmetrical board with hidden gems at the bottom - when that next comes on I'll screenshot it and give my advice on it - until this week this strategy has beaten just about everyone I've played but alas I think finally people are cottoning on to it....

  • ClarenceBeaks
    ClarenceBeaks Posts: 58

    Level 3

    Board 3

  • ClarenceBeaks
    ClarenceBeaks Posts: 58

    Level 3

    Board 11

  • ClarenceBeaks
    ClarenceBeaks Posts: 58

    Level 3

    Board 12

    An early comment on this board is the fish are interesting - at the beginning it seems that your fish seem to help the opponent - I'm currently trying not to pop the fish til later in the level.

  • ClarenceBeaks
    ClarenceBeaks Posts: 58

    Level 3

    Board 13

    Another early comment on this - the key to this board are the central 4 candies that are gummed up - these need breaking twice to activate, and when they are it pretty much wins the game, so you are aiming to achieve this. Uncaging the side striped candies is useful to take one layer of the gum off, and it only applies to your side. Also, note the slight difference in the candy appearance depending on whether it has one or two layers of gum. I like a vertical striped candy in the middle to un-gum the striped candy high and central and break the block below.

  • firebombmarkus
    firebombmarkus Posts: 13,104

    Amazing tips! @ClarenceBeaks Thanks for sharing them 😊

    You guys are such a treasure for the Jelly game. I am beyond grateful to be here with you ❤️

  • NamTruong2001
    NamTruong2001 Posts: 4,412

    @ClarenceBeaks Actually they are all on fandom.

  • ClarenceBeaks
    ClarenceBeaks Posts: 58

    Level 3

    OK so here's one of my favourite boards. Until recently I didn't play anyone who knew the strategy for this board and it was an easy win. In the last week or two it seems like the secrets are out! So here's how I play it:

    The key square on this board is marked as B. This is the hidden secret of this board. Your mission is to crack this square twice and then (with the right timing) win the game. Here's how I do it.

    1. The square marked A is my first target. If possible free this from its cage. This will do two things - it will spread your jelly at the top middle which you need and also free up the vertical candy that at some point should fire down and take the first hit on square B. Note that below this vertical candy is a liquorice that unbroken is fine to shoot through but once broken will need to be cleared so you can hit the square B below.
    2. The second aim is to get enough red/blue candies to activate the standard lollypop. Within about 6 moves you should have done that and assuming you achieved step 1 above you'll be ready for the final steps of this strategy
    3. Once you have activated the lollypop and taken one layer off square B you can proceed to the killer moves. Importantly this has to be on your first move so you may need to wait a move to do it if it comes earlier than that. First you use your lollypop to break the final layer of square B. A wrapped candy will drop into that place and line up next to the vertical striped candy. We all know how powerful this combination is in this game. Bring these two together and do some damage - unlikely this will win the game but you still have another move and that should. On your second move do the same on the other (opponents) side, bringing together the wrapped and striped candy at the bottom.

    This is pretty much a winning strategy and caging matters less in this, just use cages to block your opponent generally, particularly at the bottom if they start to break through down there. Remember this power move (wrapped and striped candies) only works if you've spread some of your jelly in the middle of the board - it won't if the opponent has all their jelly there. You don't need much but you need some.

    I'd welcome any other thoughts on this board. There's one other newer board that I've also worked out that fewer people have solved so that will be my next installment if there's any interest. But please let's have others sharing their tips, I'm looking to learn too!

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