Arenas: tips, hints, ideas, screenshots and more!

Hi everybody!
I start a new discussion focused on arenas, their characteristics, tips, opinions and anything we know from our experience!
The target is to play better, knowing the
specifics of each arena!
There are totally 16 arenas, but only 9 of them are in use. I divide them into 2 groups:
- The old "classic" arenas , which are arenas 1 - 7 and
- The "new" arenas , which are arenas 8 - 16.
The "classic" arenas introduced into the game during it's first period!
The others introduced during the first lockdown in 2020 and then.
One main difference is that all the "classic" arenas have 14 moves, while the "new" have 12 or even 10 moves!
Another key feature is that the "classic" ones have 5 candie colors, while the "new" ones have mainly 4 candie colors. This looks meaningless in the beginning, but is related to the percentage of red/blue candies, so to how faster or not the boosters fill up! It also affects the continous candiedropping!
I stop here my introduction!
@channie8 can you help me tagging active players?
Arena 1, not in use.
Moves: 14
Jelly goal: 45
Candie colors: 5
Special characteristic: purple candies!
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You my Jelly Brother, are a Legend!!!!!!!!!!!!🥰🤗😃
Love, love love love love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!🤩😍🤣🤣🤣
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@channie8 thank for tagging. And thank @NikolaosProdromidis for posting helpful information.
@headoperations do you mean this? (
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Annoyed I keep having to play the same arena over and over when there are several arenas available.
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Thank you so much @NikolaosProdromidis for the thread and the tag .. you rock!! I, too, keep having to play the same 3 arenas, sometimes I get thrown a 4th. Feels like I have been playing this since the start but for the life of me I don't remember some you have posted 🤔
One thing everyone needs to remember about me, my memory stinks 🤣 My three kids hijacked the crazy train about 14 years ago and have held me hostage ever since 😳 BUT when it comes to things I love and am interested in I can be pretty savvy 😜
The community here is the best though and I appreciate that and each and every one of you greatly 🥰
I am currently out of tickets on RC so I'm going to work on a painting for a bit. I will catch you all in a few hours 👩🎨
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@headoperations thanks for reminding this! I also have some posts there!
We have 2 options then:
- Merging the 2 discussions or
- Continue this one as is.
@channie8 we need your opinion here!
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Thanks @NamTruong2001 for that thread I love that it was an easy link! Great form!! :0)
@NikolaosProdromidis I only got a quick look at it but from what I saw I absolutely loved @ClarenceBeaks style!
@headoperations was correctumundo! There's some awesome pics there and they're our own!! Gosh I'm so excited right now!!
You guys totally awesomely rock!!!
I think we need to keep it clean and fresh! No random merging just the pics of the boards! Nik you're so good at them! A pic and your info! Keep it simple :0) Why mess with something that isn't broken🤣🤣🤣🤣
So continue with this one and just add the pics! Does that sound okay to you Jelly Brothers and Sisters?🤔🤗
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O.K. Then I continue to Arena 2. We wait it to come tomorrow or on Saturday's event!
Moves: 14
Jelly goal: 43
Candie colors 5
After the middle area is free of blockers, play there with care.
This board is also very "vulnerable" to the combination: striped candy + wrapped candy. The player who gets it, may win easily!
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@NikolaosProdromidis um, I think you need to add "jelly goal" to make information more clear.