Matching algorithm suggestion

Level 1
I've been playing RC for a long while now, and something that seems to happen with REALLY frustrating regularity is getting matched with people running both of the special lollipop boosters. All. The. Time.
When you're only using the free booster/blocker, it is literally impossible to win against that combo, and it never fails that those players also seem to always get the first turn, which means they get to fill up their boosters before you've even gotten started. It's gotten to the point that I immediately close out of matches like this because they are just not worth the time or effort and only serve to frustrate. I don't have a problem with the combo itself, as I use it myself from time to time, and don't want the option to be removed. But I do have a suggestion:
Could the matching not be tweaked so that people running that combo only get matched with folks who are using at least one special booster/blocker? Having even just one special set up when going into one of those matches brings the competition back into play. Frankly, there are multiple sketchy patterns I've observed in RC, and it's getting ridiculous, so they could at least throw us a bone and allow us to properly 1v1 rather than just taking what amounts to an immediate loss. And if it isn't possible for whatever technical reasons, then it would be nice to have the option to buy the specials or simply earn more of the lollipops than is currently possible because they seriously don't drop enough.
@VampV, hi and welcome!
You can look here:
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Won 1st game today but have lost every one since in ridiculous fashion. They are discouraging those who don't spend money
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@pking463, hi and welcome to our Community!
I understand that it is not the best to loose so many matches! It happened to me many times!
On the other hand, I won many times! For the last 2 weeks I finished on first position 4 times!
I don't spend money for keeping streak or buy unlimited for a year more or less, but I win. Not all the times!
I have a question for you: when did you entered into current event? Was it at the beginning?